Thursday, November 28, 2013

Day mix

Hi friends, today we have a free topic. The true is that I’m not sure about my topic, because is complicated choose a specific theme. But, anyway I will talk about things that make me happy today.  

I’m a tea addicted; I love the great variety of his tasty and I love the tea time, because every moment is tea time. So, today I wake up and I see a surprise in my kitchen. My mom bought yesterday a new variety of tea drink, “Raspberry Flavored tea” from Akbar. Was delicious, but I continue prefer the herbal tea.

My other great event was happened in the university. My classmate, Doris, hand over his Mandalas book. This is a wonderful event because Mandalas is a great therapy in these stressful days. I want to talk more about Mandalas. I knew the mandalas for my cousin because her therapist he recommended like a form of raise the spirit. She shows me this therapy and she ever says that is very effective.

But, you know what a Mandala is? Well, Mandala is a spiritual and ritual symbol in Hinduism and Buddhism, Mandala representing the universe. The basic form of the great majority of mandalas is a square with four gates containing a circle with a center point. Some people said that the necessity to make mandalas emerge during moment of intense personal growth, and the appearance of mandala indicated a profound re-balancing process they said the result of the process is a more complex and better integrated personality.

And the last, but at the same level of importance is the news about my bike. Today my uncle will repair my bike “nena”. And this announcement is a great new for me, because is defective for over two month ago, and I miss my bike a lot.

So, maybe you think that this post makes no sense, and is truth. But, all these things make me very happy today and I want to write about these special things.


  1. Akbar tea is soooooooooo delicious! And Dilmah tea is very good too, specially raspberry, is one of my favourites.
    Mandalas are great.
    Bicycles are great (we have to ride together!!!).
    You're great.
    Kisseeeeess <3

  2. Luna!! your post have many sense because is the things that you heart feel, and I love you heart feelings jajaja
    This, make happy that like you the mandalas book :)

    Bye :D

  3. I'm addicted tea too. It is so delicioussss
