Saturday, November 23, 2013

Dear Childhood!

When I was a child, I was a real fan of television.  Usually I watched the entire T.V. program.  I watched T. V program whit my mom and with my grandmother in the afternoon and I watched the morning children’s slot with my cousin in the weekend.
" Old Bananas In Pyjamas"

"New Bananas In Pyjamas"
The Saturday, our favorite T.V program was “Bananas in pyjamas”.  I remember this program whit a lot of happiness, because the plot was about the life of a couple of bananas. Their names were Bananin and Banon, and they played whit some bears. These bears were his friend. So, all this characters were friends and played a lot and, they had funny story.
I saw the children’s program when I was seven years old, every weekend morning, lay down in my father’s bed. I remember very well my favorite childhood program because I enjoyed a lot the adventures that had the banana brothers. I loved, too, the fact that all the characters were costumed characters. I liked how they moved with some complication. They did everything gracefully.

Actually, on cable television (I saw this program on open television) you can see a remake about “Bananas in Pyjamas”. But the new version isn´t with costumed people, now, the TV program is digitalL.  I don’t like so much, but I understand that time passes and technologies advance.

1 comment:

  1. Ohh Bananas in pyjamas, made me cry , they were very ugly!!!!
    good luck
    see you!!
