Thursday, December 12, 2013

Manu Chao

Generally I don’t pay to go to concerts because is very expensive. But I make an effort in a few of them concerts. I go to pay concerts only when it is a special occasion.

The last Sunday was a special opportunity. I went to concert “Manu Chao”. This concert was in Santiago, Chile, specifically in the National stadium in Ñuñoa. I went to concert whit seven of my university friend’s.   Definitely was a wonderful night.

I want to talk about Manu Chao.  His real name is José Manuel Arturo Tomás Chao Ortega, but popularly known as Manu Chao. He plays previously founded the band “Mano Negra” (A wonderful band too!!!), but in 1995 they were separatedL.

Well, the fact is that I was very happy in this concert. We prepared a lot for this concert, although I was very tired because the previously days I should go to a birthday party and the truth is before he began to sing, I just thought in my bed and sleep. But, when the concerts really start I forget everything I felt before. The euphoria of the moment was enormous, and three of my friend and I started to jump into the crowd and we are almost in front Manu.  I remember we jumped all night (I felt like all night because the revelry lasted three hours). The next day I was in pain and had some bruise jajaja. THIS WAS A GREAT NIGHT.

This concert was very special because I really like this type of music and makes me happy. I hope you can see them one day and feel the same because Manu has a message about many things that are wrong with the country

Thursday, December 5, 2013

About my practice

Hi friends! Today I did my practice for my english test. I'm not the best in my english class, but today and all the time I make an effort to learn and practice in the class.  
The practice consists of two parts or about two skills. The first part was about reading. I can’t understand all the word and all the verbs but I can understand the general idea and instructions, so I’m not so bad in this part, because achieve the objective.
The second part was about listening. I have many problems in this part, because I can understand the things very well. But I make an effort too J

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Day mix

Hi friends, today we have a free topic. The true is that I’m not sure about my topic, because is complicated choose a specific theme. But, anyway I will talk about things that make me happy today.  

I’m a tea addicted; I love the great variety of his tasty and I love the tea time, because every moment is tea time. So, today I wake up and I see a surprise in my kitchen. My mom bought yesterday a new variety of tea drink, “Raspberry Flavored tea” from Akbar. Was delicious, but I continue prefer the herbal tea.

My other great event was happened in the university. My classmate, Doris, hand over his Mandalas book. This is a wonderful event because Mandalas is a great therapy in these stressful days. I want to talk more about Mandalas. I knew the mandalas for my cousin because her therapist he recommended like a form of raise the spirit. She shows me this therapy and she ever says that is very effective.

But, you know what a Mandala is? Well, Mandala is a spiritual and ritual symbol in Hinduism and Buddhism, Mandala representing the universe. The basic form of the great majority of mandalas is a square with four gates containing a circle with a center point. Some people said that the necessity to make mandalas emerge during moment of intense personal growth, and the appearance of mandala indicated a profound re-balancing process they said the result of the process is a more complex and better integrated personality.

And the last, but at the same level of importance is the news about my bike. Today my uncle will repair my bike “nena”. And this announcement is a great new for me, because is defective for over two month ago, and I miss my bike a lot.

So, maybe you think that this post makes no sense, and is truth. But, all these things make me very happy today and I want to write about these special things.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Dear Childhood!

When I was a child, I was a real fan of television.  Usually I watched the entire T.V. program.  I watched T. V program whit my mom and with my grandmother in the afternoon and I watched the morning children’s slot with my cousin in the weekend.
" Old Bananas In Pyjamas"

"New Bananas In Pyjamas"
The Saturday, our favorite T.V program was “Bananas in pyjamas”.  I remember this program whit a lot of happiness, because the plot was about the life of a couple of bananas. Their names were Bananin and Banon, and they played whit some bears. These bears were his friend. So, all this characters were friends and played a lot and, they had funny story.
I saw the children’s program when I was seven years old, every weekend morning, lay down in my father’s bed. I remember very well my favorite childhood program because I enjoyed a lot the adventures that had the banana brothers. I loved, too, the fact that all the characters were costumed characters. I liked how they moved with some complication. They did everything gracefully.

Actually, on cable television (I saw this program on open television) you can see a remake about “Bananas in Pyjamas”. But the new version isn´t with costumed people, now, the TV program is digitalL.  I don’t like so much, but I understand that time passes and technologies advance.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

My assessment

All the years have bad and good things. So, I suppose that this year was a normal year hahaha. But, I have a classification for every year and to be honest, this year isn’t a year to remember like a wonderful year.
But, anymay, I experienced good things, for example I met new places. In summer 2013 I traveled to “La Serena” and I was in different places in this region. For example I met Gabriela Mistral museum in Valle del Elqui, Coquimbo, etc. Were good days to remember whit good company.  And summer day’s whit my family at beach was also great.

This was a good years with my university friends, they are great persons and make me happy. And my cousin visit us from Spain.

This was a quiet years, and nothing tragic was happened. But, maybe I should make an effort in my studies. But the next year will be better.  But, about my achievements, I have to say that I achieved cooking empanadas (pine, cheese, and camaron cheese), was a delicious moment.  I achieved pass statistic subject, this make me a very happy because I’m not a mathematician person. And to finish I achieved decorate whit many accessories my dear bike.

This years, I wanna finish whit glory this semester, but specially I really want to stop to come late to the places and commitments.

To finish my blog, I want to emphasize all the party in Juan Gomez Milla, because all the partys in this place are a moment to remember. 

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Hija de Perra

Even though maybe Isn’t the most important persons in the Chilean history, in my opinion “Hija de Perra” is a great contribution for the debate about transvestite in Chile.

“Hija de perra” is a quick-change artist in Chile from 2000. She make “filthy” performance (in her own words), she worked in the collective “Cabaret Chiquitibum”, was singer in “Electro Mugre”, was columnist in the website “portalepicentro” and was principal actor in some short film. But the most important characteristic about Hija de perra is that she has a political speech about this topic.

She did many things in the last time. For a while she make talk about gender theory in different Chileans university. In addition she is instructor of venereal disease, so in this form she entrust valuable information for the people. She is a social activist all the time.

In my opinion Hija de Perra is an important contribution for our society because is one of the persons that contribute to debate in our country about the transvestite theme, and not only about transvestite theme, she promote gender topic and she try to demonstrate that our sexuality is important topic, our body is a new world and don´t matter how you show to the world.

Recently she came to my faculty. I went to see her presentation, but I couldn’t ask to her because she was only the moderator. But maybe another time want to know about her experience in the transvestite work.

Hija de perra make some short films, like “Empanada de pino” and “Perdida Hija de Perra”. In the last case, she wins an award for the best performance in the “Diva Film Fest.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

My lovely pet

I love animals in general. But, I think I’m a dog lover because they are the best in the world. Actually I have a female dog. Her name is “Puntito” and is a poodle race. She is very spoilt and definitely is the favorite in my home. She is about two years old. I got it as a “present” of my neighbor when her female dog was mother.

Puntito is very tender because she loves everything and everyone; generally she is affectionate whit my visit and look for love in all the people. She loves linger my hands and my face! In addition, Puntito is very talented, because she can support oneself in two paw hahaha, is so cute when she does that. 

The animal like the dogs need a lot of love! But, obviously I do a great job whit my pet, because she gets a lot of love in my home, and has all the care that she need.
The puppies!
The puppies!
 To end, I want to tell you a history of Puntito. When Puntito was in heat (The first heat) She escape from me and mate whit other dog! Was very tragic, because is complicated give in adoption puppies. But Puntito give birth four beautiful puppies and today, all the puppies are cute and healthy dogs.

I’m a luky girl, because my dog is cheerful and she makes me happy.